2. Don't over-complicate things. If you hold them too tightly, they would shatter and your hands would hurt.
3. Sometimes the hardest choices we made end up being the best thing we could have ever done for ourselves.
4. There are fewer and fewer people around, but it's getting better and better.
5. Sometimes you must let it go, to see if there was anything worth holding on to .
6. It's the rule of life that everything you have always wanted comes the very second you stop looking for it.
7. I'd rather stay quiet than explain my problems to people who don't care.
8. Whenever you see darkness, there is extraordinary opportunity for the light.
9.I think you like being there to rescue me. Because it makes you feel good about yourself. You like it when I’m a mess. Because it makes you feel good about yourself. Guess what? I never asked for that.
10. We are in a relationship. But the heart is not like a box that gets filled up. It expands in size for more new love.
11. Ernest Hemingway once wrote “The world is fine place and worth fighting for.” I agree with the second part.
12. Letting go of the need to be popular is what makes people like you.
13.Sometimes a little discomfort in beginning can save a whole lot of pain down the road.
14.—Oh, face it. You’re afraid of commitment.
—I’m not afraid of commitment. I commit to things all the time. It’s the following through on that commitment that I take issue with.
15. If you care about what other people think, you’re never gonna do anything.